
Who we Are

Synergies Business Solutions Private Limited was incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 2010. The Registered Office and Corporate Offices are located in Colombo.

Synergies brings expertise in many facets of HR & Management disciplines including professional business education, corporate training whilst specializing on Organization Design and Strategic HR transformation and interventions. Synergies specializes in building capability in organizations by identifying and nurturing the sources of competitive advantage through its various HR services and products.

Company specializes in Design of Organization Structure, Identifying Value Creation Potential in Key Positions, Restructuring Manpower, Creating Business Strategy linked Leadership Competency Framework and Designing innovative methods to assess the identified competencies among employees, Design, Development and Conduct of Leadership Competency Learning Programs and Workouts, Identifying Professional Skills as applicable to an Organization and Evolving a Human Capital Value Index and a complete offering of Performance Measurement Process commencing from Performance Planning, Reviews to Appraisal.

Synergies has its own Organizational Development techniques and planning, Employee Engagement Survey Methodology. Development of action plans for enhancing employee engagement through appreciative inquiry or a Large-Scale Interactive Process (LSIP) through involvement of organizational key personnel and senior management.

Synergies contributes heavily for setting up entire HR architecture for Organizations which are emerging and growing rapidly. Synergy has well developed HR and key management Products and certification programs which can also be tailor-made to meet the needs of the client organization.

360 Feedback Program

Synergies is a Pioneer of 360 Feedback in Asia. The multi-rater tool designed by Synergies is anchored on the research-based RSDQ model of leadership. This model has been used extensively in the Country by many leading business houses.

360 Degree Feedback is a Multi-Rater Feedback System. Almost every Fortune 500 Company is using this in some form or the other. As a part of this process, a participant is assessed by a number of respondents including her/his manager, direct reports (team members), colleagues, internal customers and sometimes even external customers. The assessment is made on a survey questionnaire specially designed to assess Leadership Styles and their impact at the workplace, Managerial Qualities, Delegation and other behaviors considered critical for Leadership.

Such Feedback From Multiple Sources Provides A Credible Picture And Can Be Used In The Organization For:

Synergies Expertise Lies In

Resources : Competent Panel Of Trainers 


Standardized 360 Degree Feedback Online tools designed for

Assessment and Development Center  Program

Assessment and Development Centers (ADCs) are centers set up by an organization for continuous assessment of the competencies required to perform current, future or higher-level roles. They involve simulation of ‘near to actual’ work situations, observation of individual reactions and identifying strengths and areas that need working upon.

ADCs use Multiple Assessors, Multiples Competencies & Multiple Exercises

Assessment Centers use trained Assessors or Observers normally chosen from within the Organization. They are trained through intensive ‘Assessor Training Workshops’ in ORCE-Observation, Recording, Classifying and Evaluating.

Assessment and Development Centers help organizations move towards a competency-based culture. They are increasingly used to identify top talent or fast trackers and develop leaders/competencies for the future. They provide the organization with valid data for Potential appraisal, Selection, Job Rotation, and Promotions. ADCs have become even more important in current conditions where opportunities for promotion are few and yet many individuals who perform their existing roles well need to be encouraged to see the future in terms of development without obvious promotion.

Synergies Expertise Lies In

Resources : Competent Panel Of Trainers 

Be Ready to use Psychometric Instruments:

Competency Mapping and Development Program:

This is a competency era. Organizations need to not only map and develop competencies required for managers to perform their current role well but also those required for future roles in the organization.

Competency mapping is the process of identifying the competencies required to perform successfully in a given job or role at a given point of time. It consists of breaking down a given role into its constituent tasks or activities and identifying the competencies (technical, managerial, behavioral, conceptual knowledge, attitudes, skills, etc.) needed to perform the same successfully.

Competency mapping is used as the basis for any competency assessment that can be done at a later stage. Competency assessment is the assessment of the extent to which an individual or a set of individuals possess the competencies required for a given role or level. The output of a comprehensive competency mapping of key positions is a role directory.

Benefits of Competency Mapping:

Competency mapping can be used as a basis to further design and develop the following:

Synergies Expertise Lies In


Program on Strategy Development, Formulation for Business Startups and Existing Businesses

Start-ups rely on a flexible business culture. They need to be able to experiment, fail and get back on their feet fast. With business matters occupying the mind space of Leaders in today’s startup ecosystem, it can be difficult for entrepreneurs to spend time establishing a robust HR Strategy and systems.

While many Startups may not see the need for an exclusive HR department, it is an essential and valuable asset, especially if the organization is looking to grow. Seeding the philosophy of effective People Management early on will not only help the company be more organized when growth happens but will also help the startup attract high-quality talent.

Synergies helps startups in articulating and formalizing their mission, vision, and values as this is the starting point for shaping the HR strategies and objectives for the future. We also help structure the HR department and provide support to help them hire the right people for the right job keeping focusing on the right skills, expertise, and education. This objective is achieved by ensuring that there are clear job descriptions and competency profiles for each role in the startup. Putting in place these building blocks will help the Startup achieve its goals faster and at the same time help develop a ‘Competency-Based’ organization.

Synergies Expertise Lies In

Resources: Competent Panel Trainers / Activity Based Tool Book


Program on Executive Coaching

Coaching is unique Self-Directed learning that is solution-focused. The elements of positive feedback, learning, focus on strengths and growth, help in moving the coachee towards positive results. It is a structured process that ensures that the coachee stays on track and progresses towards his or her desired outcomes

This one-to-one interaction between a coach and an executive is a powerful tool to enhance the executive’s potential-both on the job and at a personal level. This is done through a series of structured dialogues, held at regular intervals. An executive coach is a qualified professional that works with individuals to help them gain self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as a sounding board.

Most organizations today follow the 70:20:10 principle for leadership development. 70% of the development is based on action on the job, structured experiences (assignments, projects, job rotation, etc.), 20 % is based on coaching/dialogues and 10 % is based on classroom education.

A typical coaching engagement includes 8-10 coaching conversations spread over a 1-year period and includes working with different types of goals.

Most organizations today follow the 70:20:10 principle for leadership development. 70% of the development is based on action on the job, structured experiences (assignments, projects, job rotation, etc.), 20 % is based on coaching/dialogues and 10 % is based on classroom education.

A typical coaching engagement includes 8-10 coaching conversations spread over a 1-year period and includes working with different types of goals.

Synergies Expertise Lies In

Key milestones in a typical Coaching Engagement







Establishing the Coaching engagement

Goal setting (Primary and secondary Goals)

Ongoing Coaching Sessions

Celebrating Success


·         Overview of coaching

·         Setting Expectations

·         Confidentiality

·         Identifying Strategies and actions

·         Achieving goals by executing one strategy at a time

·         Review of actions

·         Exploring new actions to be included

·         Ensuring progress and accountability

·         Reviewing new habits

·         Breakthroughs

·         Maintenance of new habits

·         Support needed going forward

Outcomes expected
  • Better leadership impact leading to more satisfied and motivated executives and teams that they lead.
  • Behavior improvements like better listening, increased productivity, work-life balance, time management, delegation, better utilization of the competencies of others and the creation of a more healthy and motivating climate in the region or area of activity.\

The Human Resource Function plays a key role in business success and improved organizational performance. Yet, many organizations hold a perception that the HR function either has fallen short of expectations or is not very clear of its role. Hence, a thorough evaluation of the HR function is imperative both to rejuvenate it and to make it more business-driven. The HRD audit makes such an evaluation possible. It examines the adequacy and appropriateness of the existing HRD systems, structures, styles, culture and competencies. It goes a step further and ascertains whether the HRD structure and systems are aligned with the current goals and strategy of the organization or not.

Program on HRD Audit and Score Card

The HRD SCORECARD 2500TM is an innovative tool designed by Panel of Experts to assess the maturity level of HR Systems in an organization. It assigns a four-letter rating to grade four critical dimensions of HRD, which are vital contributors to organizational performance:

  1. HRD systems maturity
  2. HRD competencies
  3. HRD culture and values
  4. HRD linkages to business goals.

The scores obtained in the scorecard can be used to further benchmark the maturity level of the HRD function in the organization.

Synergies helps organizations to develop futuristic HRD Plan to support the business. A variety of methodologies like Interviews, Questionnaires, Observations, Analysis of records, Workshops, etc. are used. Synergies provides both the framework and a detailed methodology of HRD audit so as to enable corporations to conduct an internal audit of their HR functions themselves.

Synergies Expertise Lies In

Resources: Competent Panel of Trainers

Program on Psychometric testing

Psychometric testing is recognized as a vital component in improving organizational effectiveness through the development of individual, interpersonal and team competencies. Psychometric tests can be used effectively for facilitating the development, placement, and retention of individuals, who belong to various sectors of the industry. They can be used for Senior and Top Level managers, Middle Management, Young Managers, School Principals, NGOs, Teachers, Sales Executives, etc.

TVRLS is a Pioneer of 360 Feedback in India. The multi-rater tool designed by TVRLS is anchored on the research-based RSDQ model of leadership. This model has been used extensively in the Country by many leading business houses.

The Psychometric Tests Are Classified Into The Following

Personal Effectiveness Scale

  1. An 80 item questionnaire having items pertaining to 4 personal effectiveness dimensions (Exploratory orientation, Self-disclosure, openness to feedback and Sensitivity, etc.).
  2. It indicates the extent to which an individual is inclined on various parameters of personal effectiveness.
  3. It helps an individual to know more about him/herself and to build upon the weak areas.

Motivational Profile Scale

  1. A simple scale with 35 items
  2. Indicates the relative intensity of seven motives such as achievement, affiliation, control, dependency, etc.
  3. It gives an indication of the more preferred motive and the less preferred motive in an individual.

My Beliefs Questionnaire (Interpersonal Trust)

  1. A 70 item questionnaire
  2. It assesses the degree of trust and well as the tendency of an individual to be trustworthy.
  3. It gives an indication of one’s attitude to a variety of situations as well as towards other people
  4. The score is a measure of how strong an individual is on interpersonal trust and trustworthiness.

Work values Scale

  1. A 72 item questionnaire, it revolves around items related to work
  2. It indicates the importance given to nine work values and the relative importance of expected work outcomes for an individual

Internal External Locus of Control

  1. This 54 item scale assesses the extent to which an individual’s thoughts, opinions, beliefs are external oriented or internal oriented.
  2. It also shares the degree of internality and externality

Leadership Style Inventory

  1. This 18 item inventory is based on a forced distribution scale.
  2. 10 work-related situations are shared and the individual has to allocate 6 points between each of the three possible outcomes for each situation.
  3. An additional 8 items in the inventory revolve around the likely impact of the individual’s leadership style

Synergies Expertise Lies In

SYNERGIES Customized Programs


Organization is forced to relook at their business models due to globalization, changing customer preferences and increasing competition. Designing strategies, implementing transformational agendas and managing talent require a different perspective. These perspectives provided by Synergies customized education, enable senior management generate solutions that work in their specific environment. The E5 design process of Synergies uses a well-established, unique and detailed Learning Needs Assessment technique to map the diverse requirement of all the stakeholders to the intervention.

Post the needs analysis; a tailor made solution is designed for the organization. Some of the key components of a customized education intervention are:

  • In- depth learning needs assessment, solution
  • Construction, customization and appropriate faculty/ resource identification before participants’ learning commences.
  • Focused design, mapping the priority of needs with contents and pedagogy.
  • Facilitators who have a complete understanding of the type of issues, industry and relevant research/consulting/training experience.
  • Workplace project that goes way beyond to ensure the learning is translated into workplace actionable, which are monitored, measured and facilitated.


”The Synergies is leveraged well through the customized interventions, which focus on the top –of-the-list learning priorities of the organization.”

To know more write to:

Selection Criteria

We carefully select potential participants to ensure that everyone benefits to the maximum extent from our programs and is able to make a full contribution to the group activities. We also consider the organization’s objectives in sending the participant for the programme. Please send the application form early for confirmed participation.

To apply

The application process can be done in four ways:

  1. Please send us an email request for the relevant program brochure to:
  2. The application form can also be downloaded form our website at
  3. Contact us directly at the address mentioned below
  4. Or just fax us the attached from with the relevant details to our office the cheque/draft towards the program fee should be included along with the application form.

Program fee

The fee for the program includes all tuition, course material, accommodation (optional) and meals. All Executive Education Programs are fully residential#, and accommodation will be provided in the SYNERGIES campus. Please refer to the application form for information on our cancellation policy. Should we be unable to accept the application for any reason, the payment (cheque/draft) will be returned to the applicant.

There are nonresidential programs too or conduct such programs as per the client aspirations as either client’s own center or any other designated venue directed by the client organization.

All programs are fully residential. In case of non – availability of accommodation at the Campus, suitable accommodation will be provided close to the campus.

For more information:

Mail/fax the application form or contact us.


Marketing Services

Centre for Executive Education

Synergies Business Solutions (PVT) Ltd

60/27 A

Temple Lane

Temple Rd,

Maharagama, Colombo

Sri Lanka.





Email: /


Synergies Expertise Lies In

Dr. T. V. Rao, (Chairman TVRLS) introduced the first known Assessment Center in India at Parishram in Gujarat, for selecting in-house project leaders. In the earlier days, he worked with David McClelland who initiated the Competence movement in the US and founded McBer and Company.
Articles on PMS
Psychometric testing is recognized as a vital component in improving organizational effectiveness through the development of individual, interpersonal and team competencies. Psychometric tests can be used effectively for facilitating the development, placement, and retention of individuals, who belong to various sectors of the industry. They can be used for Senior and Top Level managers, Middle Management, Young Managers, School Principals, NGOs, Teachers, Sales Executives, etc.
The psychometric tests are classified into the following
TVRLS has developed many psychometric tests anchored in research. Each of these tests has Manuals developed internally by TVRLS. Some of the Instruments Developed by TVRLS include:
Personal Effectiveness Scale
Motivational Profile Scale
My Beliefs Questionnaire (Interpersonal Trust)
Work values Scale
Internal External Locus of Control
Leadership Style Inventory

Synergies Expertise Lies In

SYNERGIES Customized Programs


Organization is forced to relook at their business models due to globalization, changing customer preferences and increasing competition. Designing strategies, implementing transformational agendas and managing talent require a different perspective. These perspectives provided by Synergies customized education, enable senior management generate solutions that work in their specific environment. The E5 design process of Synergies uses a well established, unique and detailed Learning Needs Assessment technique to map the diverse requirement of all the stakeholders to the intervention.

Post the needs analysis; a tailor made solution is designed for the organization. Some of the key components of a customized education intervention are:

  • In- depth learning needs assessment, solution
  • Construction, customization and appropriate faculty/ resource identification before participants’ learning commences.
  • Focused design, mapping the priority of needs with contents and pedagogy.
  • Facilitators who have a complete understanding of the type of issues, industry and relevant research/consulting/training experience.
  • Workplace project that goes way beyond to ensure the learning is translated into workplace actionable, which are monitored, measured and facilitated.

”The Synergies is leveraged well through the customized interventions, which focus on the top –of-the-list learning priorities of the organization.”

To know more write to:

Selection Criteria

We carefully select potential participants to ensure that everyone benefits to the maximum extent from our programs and is able to make a full contribution to the group activities. We also consider the organization’s objectives in sending the participant for the programme. Please send  the application form early for confirmed participation.

To apply

The application process can be done in four ways:

  1. Please send us an email request for the relevant program brochure to:
  2. The application form can also be downloaded form our website at
  3. Contact us directly at the address mentioned below
  4. Or just fax us the attached from with the relevant details to our office the cheque/draft towards the program fee should be included along with the application form.

Program fee

The fee for the program includes all tuition, course material , accommodation(optional ) and meals. All Executive Education Programs are fully residential#, and accommodation will be provided in the SYNERGIES campus. Please refer to the application form for information on our cancellation policy. Should we be unable to accept the application for any reason, the payment (cheque/draft) will be returned to the applicant.

There are non residential programs too or conduct such programs as per the client aspirations as either client’s own centre or any other designated venue directed by the client organization.

All programs are fully residential. Incase of non – availability of accommodation at the Campus, suitable accommodation will be provided close to the campus.

For more information :

Mail/fax the application form or contact us.


Marketing Services

Centre for Executive Education

Synergies Business

Solutions (PVT) Ltd

60/27 A

Temple Lane

Temple Rd,

Maharagama, Colombo

Sri Lanka .




Email:  /
